Concrete Driveway Replacement

Cocrete Driveway Replacement


Concrete Driveway Replacement Near Me: Curb appeal is one of the most important factors when it comes to home value. The driveway is often the first part of a home that people notice and a worn, cracked concrete driveway can immediately turn off potential home buyers. Replacing an old, damaged concrete driveway is one of the best investments you can make to increase your home’s curb appeal.

A new, smooth concrete driveway makes a great first impression and lets buyers know that the home is well-maintained. It shows you care about the details and aesthetics of your property. In addition, it improves functionality by eliminating cracks and uneven surfaces. Replacing a driveway also provides an opportunity to upgrade the look with new concrete finishes and designs.

This article will overview the benefits of concrete driveway replacement near me and what’s involved in the process. We’ll look at options for concrete finishes, ways to improve drainage, design considerations, and maintenance tips. By the end, you’ll understand why investing in a new concrete driveway can pay off when it comes to boosting your home’s curb appeal and value.

Concrete Driveway Replacement

Why Replace an Old Concrete Driveway?

Concrete driveways develop issues over time that make replacement worth considering. As the driveway ages, it’s common to see cracks, damage, and uneven settling that impacts functionality and aesthetics.

Cracks are one of the most obvious signs that a concrete driveway is failing. Temperature changes, ground movement, improper installation, and wear can cause cracks to form and widen over the years. Left unaddressed, cracks allow water to seep under the concrete and cause further deterioration. They also present tripping hazards and collect dirt and debris.

Settling and unevenness in an aging concrete driveway can create bumpy, uneven, or sloped surfaces. This makes using the driveway repair difficult, with impaired traction and drainage issues. Low spots collect water, while high points put excess strain on vehicles. Severe settling requires frequent repaving or mudjacking to temporarily even out the surface.

Replacing an old, damaged concrete driveway dramatically improves aesthetics with a smooth, properly sloped, and even surface. Eliminating large cracks and trip hazards also enhances safety and functionality. The visual appeal of a pristine concrete driveway repair also boosts curb appeal.

Benefits of Replacing Your Concrete Driveway

Replacing an old, cracked concrete driveway can provide numerous benefits that make it a worthwhile home improvement project. Here are some of the top reasons to consider concrete driveway replacement:

Improved Curb Appeal

One of the biggest benefits of replacing a driveway is enhancing your home’s curb appeal. An old, stained, and cracked driveway makes a poor first impression on visitors and potential home buyers. Replacing it with a new, pristine concrete driveway immediately boosts your home’s aesthetic. The clean, smooth look of fresh concrete is attractive and inviting. It makes your home look well-maintained and more valuable. Curb appeal goes a long way toward attracting buyers if you decide to sell.

Increased Home Value

Investing in a new driveway brings a excellent return on investment. Not only does it increase curb appeal, it also directly adds value to your home. The cost of the concrete driveway replacement project can be recouped when selling your home. According to Remodeling Magazine, replacing an asphalt driveway with concrete has a 70.3% ROI, while a paver driveway has a 75% ROI. This makes driveway replacement one of the most worthwhile investments.

Safer Surface

Old driveways develop cracks, pitting, crumbling sections and uneven surfaces over time. This makes them unsafe by creating trip hazards. The smooth, even surface of a new concrete driveway eliminates these risks. New concrete is also less slippery than old concrete that has become polished and worn over many years of use. The increased safety is especially important for homes with elderly residents.

Easier to Maintain

A new driveway is practically maintenance-free compared to an old one riddled with problems. Resealing, patching cracks, repairing crumbling sections, and cleaning stained areas takes time, effort and money. A new concrete driveway should last decades before major repairs are needed, depending on climate, usage and concrete quality. The minimal maintenance of a new driveway is light years easier compared to constantly maintaining an old one.

Read more about Asphalt and Concrete Driveway..

Process of Concrete Driveway Replacement

Concrete driveway replacement in Michigan is a significant project that requires proper planning and execution. Here are the key steps involved:

Demolition and Removal of Old Driveway

The first step is to demolish and remove the existing concrete driveway. This typically involves using a jackhammer and other tools to break up the concrete into manageable sections. The broken up pieces of concrete are then loaded into a dump truck and hauled away. Any underlying aggregate base material will also be removed.

It’s important to take safety precautions during demolition, such as wearing eye protection and gloves. Care should also be taken not to damage any underground utilities, irrigation lines or surrounding structures. Hiring professionals for demolition is often the easiest and safest route.

Grading and Preparation of Base

Once the old driveway is removed, the ground needs to be graded and prepared for the new driveway base. This involves leveling the soil, removing any high or low spots, and compacting the ground.

Proper grading is crucial to ensure adequate drainage under and around the new concrete. Some drainage systems, like french drains or catch basins, may need to be installed before the new driveway is poured.

After grading, a gravel base will be added and compacted. This provides a stable foundation on which to pour the new concrete driveway. The depth of the base layer depends on the climate and soil type.

Pouring and Finishing New Concrete

The next step is pouring the new concrete for the driveway. Forms will be erected along the edges to hold the liquid concrete in place while it cures. Concrete should be poured continuously to prevent cold joints from forming.

As soon as possible after pouring, the concrete will be finished to the desired texture. Options include a broom finish, stamped finish, exposed aggregate, or smooth trowel finish. Control joints are also cut into the concrete to allow for cracking in the proper locations.

Proper concrete curing is essential for strength and durability. This involves keeping the concrete moist for several days after pouring. Once cured, the new driveway will be ready for use!

Types of Concrete Finishes

When replacing your concrete driveway, you have several options for the type of finish to choose from. Three popular choices are exposed aggregate, stamped concrete, and colored concrete.

Exposed Aggregate

Exposed aggregate concrete

Exposed aggregate concrete has some of the stones and aggregate exposed for decorative purposes. After the concrete is poured, the top layer is washed off to reveal the aggregate underneath. The size and type of aggregate can vary, from small pebbles to larger stones. Exposed aggregate provides visual interest and texture to your driveway.

Stamped Concrete

stamped concrete

Stamped concrete is patterned to look like other building materials, such as brick, stone, wood, or tiles. After pouring the concrete, stamps are pressed into it to create the desired pattern and texture. Color can also be added to stamped concrete using powdered or liquid pigments. Stamped concrete can mimic the look of high-end building materials for a fraction of the cost.

Colored Concrete

colored concrete

Another option is to add color to plain concrete for a sleek, modern look. Using liquid or powdered pigments, you can color concrete to any hue you desire. Popular choices are earth tones like tan, brown, and terra-cotta. Colored concrete provides a minimalist, seamless appearance. The color can be varied throughout the driveway or used as a border or accent.

Concrete Driveway Replacement Cost

Concrete driveway replacement in Canton MI is a significant investment for most homeowners. The national average cost to replace a concrete driveway cost runs between $6-$8 per square foot, with most homeowners spending between $3,500-$7,000 in total. However, many factors influence the final price tag for your new concrete driveway.

Cost Per Square Foot

The cost per square foot provides a rough estimate, but actual prices depend on the size and complexity of your driveway. Larger driveways over 1,000 square feet may benefit from economies of scale and cost less per square foot. Smaller and simpler driveways generally fall on the higher end of the typical price range.

Factors Affecting Cost

Some of the main factors that impact the cost of a new concrete driveway include:

  • Location – Prices are higher in areas with high labor and material costs.
  • Access – Driveways that are difficult to access drive up the installation costs.
  • Base preparation – Excavation, grading, and adding a gravel base add to the total.
  • Concrete thickness – Thicker concrete is more durable but also more expensive.
  • Concrete finish – Stamped or stained concrete costs more than a basic broom finish.
  • Drainage – Improving drainage with trenches or sealer tacks on additional fees.
  • Demolition – Removing an old driveway adds demolition costs.

DIY vs Hiring a Contractor

Ambitious DIYers can save on labor costs by installing a new driveway themselves. However, concrete work requires skills and experience to get proper consistency, drainage, curing, and finishing.

Most homeowners hire professional concrete contractors to handle the project. This provides expertise, proper tools and equipment, and an experienced crew to get the job done efficiently. Though pricier upfront, hiring a pro often delivers higher quality results and a longer-lasting concrete driveway.

Concrete Driveway Replacement: Improving Drainage

Proper drainage is crucial for a long-lasting concrete driveway. Water pooling on the surface can lead to cracks, crumbling, and damage over time. When replacing your driveway, it’s important to address any drainage issues. Here are some key techniques:

Grading the Driveway

The grade, or slope, of the driveway directs water runoff. Having an adequate slope that runs away from the house is important. Aim for a 2% slope, or 1/4 inch of drop per foot of driveway. This subtle angle allows water to drain off without being noticeable. Make sure to slope the driveway evenly across its width too, avoiding any low spots where water can collect. Extend the slope to the surrounding landscape as well.

Installing Drainage Systems

For improved water management, a drainage system can be added. Some options include:

  • Weep holes – Placing plastic tubing vertically into the concrete allows water to drain through and prevent pooling on the surface. The tubes should be spaced every few feet along the edges or low areas.
  • French drains – A perforated pipe surrounded with gravel can run alongside the driveway underneath the concrete. This gives the water a path to drain away underground.
  • Catch basins – Strategically placed drains allow water to exit. They connect to underground piping that diverts the water away from the driveway area.

Proper grading and drainage helps prevent deterioration of the concrete over time. Addressing these issues during replacement is important for longevity and preventing future problems. Proper water management keeps your new driveway looking great for many years.

Concrete Driveway Replacement Design Considerations

When planning a concrete driveway replacement, there are several design factors to consider that can impact the functionality and aesthetics. Two key considerations are the size/shape of the driveway and integrating it with surrounding landscaping.

Size and Shape

The size and shape of your new concrete driveway will depend on your property dimensions, parking/access needs, and personal preferences. Generally, a driveway width of 10 to 12 feet allows comfortable room for one vehicle, while 16 to 20 feet can accommodate two vehicles passing. For three-car garages, driveways are often 20 to 24 feet wide.

The shape is also important – a straight driveway takes up less space while a curved driveway can provide more flair. Turnaround areas are recommended for easy maneuvering. Be sure to check local regulations for any size or shape requirements. Consider existing trees, utilities, and other obstructions when planning the layout.

Integrating with Landscaping

Skillfully integrating a new concrete driveway with surrounding landscape features creates a cohesive, aesthetically appealing look. Here are some tips:

  • Plant borders and beds along the edges of the driveway to soften the hardscape. Choose plants like shrubs, ornamental grasses, or flowers.
  • Edge the driveway with brick, stone, or other accent materials to provide definition. This prevents the driveway from looking like a giant slab plopped down.
  • Use driveway curves, borders, and defined edges to create planting areas, dividing the concrete into smaller visual sections instead of one massive shape.
  • Match the color of the driveway with other hardscapes like patios, walls, fences to create flow.
  • Mimic shapes and lines found elsewhere in the landscape. For example, make a driveway curve to match a curved planting bed.

With thoughtful design considerations, your new concrete driveway will not only function well but also coordinate beautifully with surrounding landscape elements. This results in an integrated, holistic look that boosts curb appeal.

Concrete Driveway Replacement Maintenance

Proper maintenance is key to keeping your new concrete driveway looking great and extending its lifespan. Here are some tips:


Applying a concrete sealer every 1-2 years will help protect the driveway from damage. Sealers prevent salt, chemicals, oil, and other corrosive materials from penetrating the concrete. This helps prevent cracking, pitting, and staining. Use a high-quality acrylic sealer for best results.

Crack Repair

It’s normal for concrete to develop minor cracks over time due to expansion/contraction and ground settling. Fill small cracks with a concrete crack filler as soon as they appear to prevent further damage. For larger cracks, consult a concrete contractor.

Snow and Ice Removal

Remove snow as soon as possible after snowfalls to prevent ice buildup. Use a snow shovel with a plastic blade to avoid scratching the concrete. Calcium chloride or rock salt can melt ice but use sparingly, as they can damage concrete over time. Avoid magnesium chloride deicers. A plastic scraper can also help break up ice.

Weed Prevention

Weeds can grow in the cracks between concrete. Use a concrete driveway weed killer labeled for use on driveways. Pull weeds by hand as soon as you notice them.

Proper maintenance will help your new concrete driveway retain its function and aesthetic appeal. Consistent sealing and crack repair, safe ice removal, and weed prevention will protect your investment for years to come.


Replacing an old, cracked concrete driveway can provide numerous benefits that make it a worthwhile home improvement project. By installing a new driveway, you can significantly enhance your home’s curb appeal, increase property value, improve safety and accessibility, and reduce long-term maintenance requirements.

The key benefits of concrete driveway replacement include improving aesthetics with attractive new concrete options, preventing further cracking and deterioration, improving drainage to avoid standing water issues, and customizing the shape, size and design to better suit your needs. Replacement also provides an opportunity to incorporate decorative touches like border designs, patterns and special finishes that put a unique stamp on your home.

With proper maintenance like resealing and crack repairs, a new concrete driveway can last upwards of 25-30 years or more before needing replacement again. The project cost pays for itself over time compared to the continual patching and repairs an old driveway requires.

If you have an aging, damaged driveway that detracts from your home’s curb appeal, consider making the investment in replacement concrete. Consult with qualified concrete contractors to discuss your vision, budget and project scope to bring a refreshed, welcoming look to the entrance of your home.

Planning to replace your driveway now! Let Michigan Rose help you!

For more details, visit Michigan Rose Construction Facebook Page or you can call (734) 307-2019.